Australian High Commission
with Non-Resident Accreditation to Tunisia

Frequently asked questions


Frequently asked questions


Travelling to Australia 

What am I allowed to take to Australia?

There are strict regulations for taking various items into Australia, including food, plants, medication, animals or animal products.

Can I travel on my passport if the name differs to the name on my airline ticket?

Any specific questions regarding what an airline will accept as proof of identity should be directed to the airline.

Can I travel to Australia on my Maltese or Tunisian passport when I am also Australian?

If you hold dual Australian-Maltese or Australian-Tunisian citizenship, please see this link for information on which passport you should use to enter and leave Australia.


Driving licence

How can I renew my Australian Driver’s licence?

The Australian High Commission in Malta cannot renew, replace or update your Australian driver's licence. Please contact the relevant road authority in Australia to obtain the necessary form for renewing your licence while residing overseas.

We can witness signatures and endorse photos for driver's licence renewal forms. Please refer to our Notarial fees.

Can I drive in Malta on my Australian driver’s licence?

You don't need an International Driving Permit. You can use your Australian driver's licence to drive in Malta for one year from your arrival.

If you plan to live in Malta, you can exchange your Australian licence for a Maltese licence.

For more information contact Transport Malta.

Can I drive in Australia on my Maltese driver’s licence?

In Australia, laws and driving regulations differ from state to state. For more details about driving in Australia, contact the relevant road agency in Australia on the links above.


Getting or renewing official documents

How can I renew my Maltese passport?

The Australian High Commission doesn’t process Maltese passport applications. Kindly contact the Maltese authorities from the place where you will be lodging your application:

Where can I get an Australian birth, marriage or death Certificate?

You can request a new Australian Birth/Death/Marriage Certificate from the Registrar for Births, Deaths, and Marriages (RBDM) in the relevant state.


Where can I get a Police clearance from Australia?

You can request a certificate of conduct/police national police check from the Australian Federal Police.

Please note that The Australian High Commission in Malta cannot assist in this matter. You need to contact the competent authorities.



I am visiting Malta, is there a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement between Malta and Australia?

Australia currently has a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement (RHCA) with Malta which may cover some of your medical costs in Malta’s public health system. More information here.



I reside in Malta, how can I apply for an Australian age pension?

An application for an Australian age pension can be obtained from your local Social Services office in Malta. After completion, it needs to be returned together with the required documents to your local Social Services office in Malta.

How can I contact Centrelink for a specific question regarding my pension?

If you wish to discuss issues relating to an Australian pension, you will need to directly contact Centrelink International Services in Australia. Contact details here and below:

  • Tel:  +61 3 6222 3455 during business hours of 8am to 5pm AEST
  • Postal address:  Centrelink International Services, PO BOX 7809, Canberra BC ACT 2610 Australia
  • Fax: +61 3 6222 2799

I am receiving an Australian pension and I am travelling to Malta or now residing in Malta, what do I need to do?

If you are in receipt of payments by Centrelink in Australia, you need to advise Centrelink before you travel. More information here.


Please note that the Australian High Commission cannot assist with the application of your pension or correspondence with Centrelink. Any enquiry related to pension or social security benefit should be directed to the Department of Human Services.



 I reside in Malta and I am receiving any income from Australia, do I need to declare it?

If you reside in Malta and you are receiving any income from Australia, kindly contact the Office of the Commissioner for Revenue for more information and advice.


Australian electoral roll & Australian elections

How can I get information about the next elections and check my enrolment?

For up-to-date information on Australian elections, enrolment and voting while overseas:


Lawyer referral service

Can the Australian High Commission provide legal advice?

The Australian Government is unable to provide you with legal advice, interpret or translate documents, or intervene in another country's court proceedings. The Australian Government cannot intervene in private legal disputes overseas, including employment disputes, commercial disputes, criminal cases and family law matters or child custody disputes. The Australian High Commission can provide you with details of local lawyers. Kindly contact us.

How do I find a lawyer in Australia?

Kindly visit the following website: